The AMF and the ACPR warn the public against the activities of several entities offering in France investments in Forex and in crypto-assets derivatives without being authorized to do so

Mittwoch, 30.03.2022

With the objective of protecting investors, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) regularly update their black lists of websites identified as offering investments in the unregulated foreign exchange (Forex) market and in derivative products whose underlying assets include crypto-assets, without being authorized to do so.


Here is the list of recently identified websites run by unauthorized entities:


Crypto-assets derivatives:

Here is the list of recently identified websites run by unauthorized entities:


Lists of all websites that are not authorized to offer investments in Forex or in crypto-assets derivatives are available on the Assurance Banque Épargne Info Service – ABE IS’s website (section: Vos démarches > Se protéger contre les arnaques > Les listes noires des sites internet et entités non autorisés), on the AMF’s website (section: Espace épargnants > Protéger son épargne > Listes noires) and the AMF Protect Epargne application.

Please note that these lists are updated regularly but they are not intended to be complete, as new unauthorized entities appear regularly.

To ensure that the intermediary offering you financial products or services is authorized to operate in France, you may consult the register of authorized investment service providers ( or the list of authorized intermediaries in the financial investment advisor (FIA) or crowdfunding (CIP) categories (

If the intermediary in question does not appear on any of the last two lists, we strongly recommend that you should not make use of their services, as they are in breach of the applicable legislation and are not required to comply with basic rules of investor protection, information disclosure and claims handling.

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