MFSA Warning – Fraudulent Behaviour Linked to COVID-19 Situation

Dienstag, 08.02.2022

The MFSA would like to draw the attention of its licence holders and the general public to possible fraudulent schemes or financial scams which may try to take advantage of COVID-19 outbreak to target entities and individuals with the aim of misappropriating funds and/or obtaining sensitive personal information. Such fraudulent schemes or financial scams may include advice in relation to investments in developing cures, requests for donations, medical and health insurance policies in relation to COVID-19, offers for sale of supplies, use of fake/phishing websites and/or emails with malicious content. The MFSA would like to remind consumers of financial services not to enter into any financial services transaction unless they have ascertained that the entity with whom the transaction is being made is authorised to provide such services by the MFSA or another reputable financial services regulator. A list of entities licensed by the MFSA can be viewed on the official website of the MFSA at

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BEMK Rechtsanwälte
Blazek Ellerbrock Malar Kronsbein PartGmbB
RA Marc Ellerbrock
Florianweg 1
88677 Markdorf
Telefon: +49 7544 93 491-0
Telefax: +49 7544 93 491-10

Rechtsanwalt Jens Reime
Innere Lauenstraße 2
Eingang Heringstraße
02625 Bautzen
Telefon: +49 3591 2996133
Telefax: +49 3591 2996144

Resch Rechtsanwälte
Anlegerschutz seit 1986
Berlin ++ München ++ Wien
Ernst Reuter Platz 8
10587 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 88 59 77 0