Montag, 31.10.2022

The Hellenic Capital Market Commission informs investors that the online trading platform
https://tradesmart1.com” and the alleged operator of this platform “Trade Smart 1 LTD
Companies House” with registered office in the United Kingdom, are not allowed to provide
investment services on financial instruments included in Section C of Annex I of Greek Law
4514/2018, and/or to hold clients’ funds.

Also, it is noted that, according to Greek Law 4514/2018, the provision of services and the
performance of activities without authorisation from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
or from the relevant competent authority of another Member State of the European Union, is
an offense, which is subject to severe criminal and administrative sanctions.

The Hellenic Capital Market Commission urges investors to verify the authorisation and
supervision status of the companies on the website of the HCMC or the relevant competent
authorities of other Member States of the European Union, before entering into any

The Hellenic Capital Market Commission does not supervise cryptocurrency markets
(cryptoassets) and does not supervise the provision of services related to investments in

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