cssf-Warning concerning the website www.bf-investment.net

Donnerstag, 03.03.2022

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the website www.bf-investment.net where an entity offers investment services, and, in particular, an investment product livret de placementTurquoise” under the name “Bayer & François” or “BF Finance”, and pretends to be established at 16, Bld Royal, Luxembourg and at 2A rue des Capucines, Luxembourg.

The CSSF informs the public that the entity presenting itself on this website as “Bayer & François” or “BF Finance” is unknown to it, is not supervised by the CSSF and has not been granted any authorisation to provide investment services or other financial services in or from Luxembourg.

Anwälte, die helfen können

BEMK Rechtsanwälte
Blazek Ellerbrock Malar Kronsbein PartGmbB
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Florianweg 1
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E-Mail: m.ellerbrock@rae-bemk.de

Rechtsanwalt Jens Reime
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02625 Bautzen
Telefon: +49 3591 2996133
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E-Mail: info@rechtsanwalt-reime.de

Resch Rechtsanwälte
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Telefon: +49 30 88 59 77 0
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