CMVM Issues Warning for Investors concerning BBAITAUFRANCE

Freitag, 04.02.2022

The CMVM (Portuguese Securities Market Commission) issues a warning for investors to the fact that the entity BBAITAUFRANCE using the e-mail address, is not authorised to carry out any type of financial intermediation activity in Portugal, under article 295 (1) paragraphs a) and b) of the Portuguese Securities Code.

The CMVM warns, additionally, that this entity is not authorised to carry out advertising or client prospecting aimed at agreeing financial intermediation contracts.

The CMVM clarifies that such entity contrary to what have been disclosed, has no relation with the authorised financial intermediary ITAÚ BBA EUROPE, S.A., registered with the CMVM, which is not subject of this warning or, in any way, intended by it.

In order to ensure that a certain entity that provides investment services in financial instruments is authorised to carry out said activity in Portugal, one should consult the list of authorised financial intermediaries via the following link or via the list of entities authorised to provide financial services in Portugal under the freedom to provide services (LPS) via the link

Any person or entity that has established any business relationship with persons claiming to represent the above-mentioned entity, may contact the CMVM via the Toll-free number 800 205 339 (support line) or by e-mail at

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RA Marc Ellerbrock
Florianweg 1
88677 Markdorf
Telefon: +49 7544 93 491-0
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Rechtsanwalt Jens Reime
Innere Lauenstraße 2
Eingang Heringstraße
02625 Bautzen
Telefon: +49 3591 2996133
Telefax: +49 3591 2996144

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10587 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 88 59 77 0